Thursday, October 8, 2009

Work? It's just a piece of cake :)

Today is the last day of the Arabic week, so it's basically like Friday. I woke up and went to class then headed off to my internship. I was pleasantly surprised once I arrived because Majed told me we werent working today and that today was a day to celebrate. Our boss turned 55 today, so the whole team went out for his birthday. We ended up going to a restaurant called Fire of Brazil,( which basically is the same as Fogo de Chao (the restuarant I went to in DC before I left).

Needless to say, it was the BEST meal Ive had since Ive been in Amman. Another excellent extravaganza of meat, salad and cake. The only difference was the company only spoke Arabic and I was completely lost for most of the conversation. I didnt mind at all because I was shoving my face with food that is probably the closest thing to home I will see all semester! It was a wonderful experience overall, I learned some great new arabic vocab, and was asked all about home! My internship is really beginning to become more and more of a family, the people I work with all want to go out and meet my roommates. And not to mention, I'm everyone's daughter from the states! It really was a nice pick me up. To top it all off, I dont have to go into the office on Sunday because Monday is an American holiday. Because I work for USAID, an American company, I get all the American holidays off! Which means, I get Thursday the 26th of November off, for Thanksgiving and my 21st birthday! I'm really excited! Just wanted to blog about how full and content I am right now haha. Tonight my roommates and I may hit the mall or go out, depends on how everyone is feeling. Hope the end of the week is good for everyone back home! Ma'salaama!

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