Thursday, October 29, 2009

An unexpected break sent from Allah!

So things here have been absolutely crazy for me the past week. Im sorry I havent been as diligent about posting, my life's been a ball of stress.

I guess Ill start with school. My normal arabic prof is still out, Im guessing most likely for the rest of the semester. We havent been told exactly what the deal is, but we know the baby is okay and she is currently on bed rest. So the past week has been filled with different subs, with different styles and teaching methods.... in arabic its been frustrating. Every day feels like square one again.

Yesterday, our program recieved some great news. Well not great for everyone. Apparently one student in my program has come down with swine flu. There are really strict rules about H1n1 here so he's currently quarantined in the hospital for the next two weeks. Of course there is mass panic, and everyone adds to the rumors, which makes life here even more interesting. Anyways, our program director decided to give us all a 4 day weekend, in hopes that we would rest and not sprend the swine flu which is now evident in our group. Funny thing is, people are going crazy (because of the unexpected break) and leaving the country and traveling for the weekend. I dont think anyone plans on resting, and if anything people will probably bring more sicknesses back to Amman after the long weekend.... oh well, the break is well needed and appreciated by me. My friends and I are going to relax and hang out here. Theres no point in last min travel, esp around these parts because visas are hard to obtain. We are thinking about doing a day trip or two, either way Ill keep you posted.

I was really thankful for the extra time, mainly because this week was super hard for me. I've been really annoyed with my classes and a lot of the kids in my program, my internship has me bogged down in work and Ive just missed a lot about home.

Last night, well actually this morning, I woke up at 2 30 am to register for classes at Villanova next semester. My registration time was 7 30 in the states and so it was great waking up mid sleep to get my courses settled for next semester. Im actually really happy with my schedule and all the stressing this past week and emails to school have been worth it. With that being said, I have a huge hole in my heart for NOVA right now. Pre- season basketball is starting, its halloween so my sorority is having our annual halloween formal ( MY FAVORITE ) and choosing my classes has gotten me pretty excited for the spring. I just keep telling myself, I am so lucky to be here, experiencing this because so many other people cant. I guess the little things here that are so hard are just getting to me. Although I know I am so frustrated now, when I get home I will be so frustrated and shocked that life is so easy. Its hard having this experience, but it's humbling and it makes you realize that you can survive without being in America's bubble of security.

Over the past few weeks my love hate relationship with Amman has continued. Life really is a rollercoaster. All I know is I am ready for this weekend and a nice break. Ill post again soon haha miss you all!


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