Yesterday my roommate Alison and I hit up a popular tourist attraction north of Amman. Jerash, an ancient Roman city is one of the coolest places I've seen. The archeological site is extremely interactive, you can climb all over the ruins and explore the site. Alison and I had a great afternoon and a very authentic time.
We left Amman and headed to the bus station in North Amman, what a FUN experience. Basically the buses line up in designated areas for different destinations and you get on and wait for the bus to fill up, then you leave. So Alison and I were some of the first people on the bus, so we WAITED forever to leave. It was totally worth it because we were the only two white people on the bus, every one else was Arab. The experience was really funny. There were a bunch of crying Arab kids, men who were chain smoking, women who were loudly "yelling" well speaking on their cell phones, and the bus was blasting arabic music. It was less than a dinar for the 45 km trip out of the city (soooo cheap) but I have to say, the hectic bus ride was priceless. About halfway through the ride a mother made the bus stop so her young son could pee on the side of the road, haha it was really cute.
After walking around the ruins for a few hours Alison and I shopped a bit a the local gift shops and bought a few small things. We both got a few marriage proposals from some local Jordanian men, well boys and called it an afternoon. I had a really great time and hope you all enjoy the pictures! Next weekend Im going on a program trip called "Desert Castles" during which we explore a bunch of old castles in the country. Be looking for another update sometime soon!
Miss you all! Ma'salaama!
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