Sunday, November 22, 2009

Desert Castles

This weekend I took a trip with my program and we explored the "Desert Castles" of Jordan. It was a really long day. We saw three Castles, an old Roman Military Fort and a Jordanian Wetland. It was all pretty neat, the weather was beautiful and a few of my good friends went on the trip which made the company really awesome. Needless to say, the castles here are nothing compared to those in Europe, but the sheer age of these buildings is what is crazy. I almost thought the buildings would fall apart right in front of my eyes. It was really fun because you were allowed to climb around and in and out of old rooms (I dont know how safe that is haha) but it was really awesome because again it was an interactive experience.

I hope you all enjoy the pictures. Sorry I dont really have more to write, I'm not an expert with all the history. This Thursday I leave for Syria, so Im sure I will have tons of stories next weekend. I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving and enjoys the time at home with family. Less than a month and Ill be home for the Christmas holidays! Ma'salaama

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