Thursday, October 22, 2009


SO basically a few weeks ago I broke down and started feeding this really sweet cat that was hanging around our apartment, little did I know she had 5 kittens. So long story short, I've been buying food and feeding these sweet kittens and their mother for the past week. They are really cute and always, always around. Just wanted to put some pictures up for everyone to see!!! Beka and Forrest be really jealous haha they are so much fun to play with :)


  1. OOOHHHHH, they are so cute! I wish you could bring them all home with you but we know Daisy and Jo-Jo would have none of that!!!MEOW!!!
    We miss you!
    Love ya,
    Mom, Daisy & Jo-Jo

  2. Cute! I am also super jealous. I just hope someone continues to care for them when you come home!

  3. oohhh myyy leesh leesh! I love those little babies! They are like little temporary JoJo's and Daisey Dukes for you! :)
