Monday, October 12, 2009


Just wanted to post a quick blog before my week got too busy. My weekend was very nice, pretty calm, I didn't do too much.

Thursday night, my roommate Alison and I met some friends at a local bar. It was crawling with Americans so it was like a taste of home, although alcohol is taxed 200 percent here, so its very expensive. Friday there was a big parade, but we ended up not going, there were no cabs and the parade was in a part of the city that wasn't super close to my apartment. Instead we made a nice home cooked meal and relaxed in the apartment. I did a bunch of homework so it was very productive. Saturday, Alison and I hit up "City Mall" and I've decided its the place to go if I ever need a pick me up. It was extremely Western with tons of great stores and a movie theater. It was nice to relax and just not think too much. Plus lots of people spoke English, so I didnt have to attempt to shop in Arabic haha.

Yesterday, I didnt have work, so I hit the gym and got a good amount of homework done. I was suppose to meet my peer tutor today, but she's sick, so I have some extra time to myself. The past few days have been really hot, almost reaching 90 degrees. It's strange because it technically is Fall, but the day time temps are usually in the 80's. I miss all the colors and the changing of the weather in the states. The sun here is great, but I really am tired of the heat, especially since I'm covering my whole body all of the time.

I've had a few people contact me about not being able to post on my blog. I am currently "moderating" some aspects of my life because I am applying for some summer govt internships. It's not a big deal, but I didn't want to delete my blog all together. If you would like you contact me, please send me an email- and I would love to hear from anyone and everyone!

I dont have any big plans this week, Alison's Dad is in town which is wonderful, so a nice dinner is most likely in my future. I am also meeting a friend from Villanova later this week. He took Arabic with me in the states a year ago. He's here for Grad school and is extremely intelligent and very successful. It will be nice to see a familiar face from home.

Hope everyone has a nice week! Ma'salaama

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