Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Quick Post from Jordan

Wow it's been a crazy few days! I finally managed some time for a quick post in between all the orientaion activities!

I've been in Jordan for 3 days now and have to say it is BEAUTIFUL! The weather is so amazing and the city has so much personality! The first day I explored the city a little with my Dad and we had a nice french dinner. After checking me into my program my Dad and I said our goodbyes ( tear) and I started orientation.

I immediately dried my tears and made some friends and we all went off and explored some ancient ruins and a Temple, then after we went out for a night on the town! Yesterday, I traveled to the Dead Sea with my program for a grand Jordanian Welcome and honestly experienced the most breath-taking view of my life. I only wish my pictures could accurately portray how powerful the dead sea was. A group of girls in my program and I got covered in "mineral mud" and swam, well floated in the extremely salty water. It was the coolest thing to float in water without even trying, swimming on the other hand was a challenge.

Today, I took the hardest Arabic test of my life to determine my placement, 17 pages and 3 hours later, I had an oral interview in Arabic, which was also an interesting experience. I toured my new campus at the University of Jordan, watched a film on King Abdullah and registered for my classes. Two local NGO's have shown interest in my resume, so I have two AMERICAN interviews in the upcoming weeks and hopefully I will land some type of internship! Tonight is the last night of Orientation, we have a big Iftar dinner (breaking of the fast) and then tomorrow I move into my new apartment! Keep your fingers crossed for good roommates :) Once Im all settled in I will post again! Ma'salaama!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Alicia,
    I have to admit, I totally cried when I read your blog. I am so excited for your amazing experience and so sad for your mom and dad whom I know are so proud of you but miss you terribly. You willunderstand one day when you are a mom. We will pray for you while you are there. Please post pictures - it looks beautiful! Have fun and be careful!
