AHHH so today was a VERY good day in Amman. I found out that I got an internship with a subgroup of the company I interviewed with last week! I'm very thrilled and honored that they accepted me! I have a meeting with my new "boss" tomorrow and will go over all the logistics over a nice cup of qawa (coffee)! Basically, the group focuses on the water issues here in Jordan and is working on sustainability and purification! I get to work on govt proposals to improve the water system and may even get to give a few presentations! Either way I'm thrilled to be interning in a foregin country, what a blast!
I also got a surprise care package from my mom today, I must say, I was the envy of all my classes! I think I was the first person here to get an American package, how spoiled I am! THANKS MOM so much for all the sweets and pictures, I'm wearing the necklace now :) Everything you sent made me smile (and almost cry for that matter). While I've been so stressed lately and the days have been like a roller coaster, it all came together today, and I finally am beginning to feel like I'm settling down.
Tonight my roommates and I are going out for an iftar dinner, argeelah and some tea. I'm excited that we dont have to cook and do dishes! Later this week Ramandan ends and basically the "Arabic Christmas" begins. We have ten days off, starting from the 17th and continuing til the 27th. Everyone celebrates ending the month of fasting with tons of food, music and parties! My roommates and I are heading to Cairo, Egypt from the 18th to the 22nd with a bunch of kids in the program, we will be back in Amman for the rest of the break. Thanks to my Dad, were staying in a great hotel in downtown Cairo overlooking the Pyramids! Can't wait to take pictures and update about my next trip. I'll post again before I leave! Thanks again Mom for being so thoughtful and supportive, my roomies and I are muching away on candy watching some arabic film now! Thanks Dad for all the travel help, can't wait to experience Egypt! Love you guys! Ma'salaama!
... Continue to be entertained by your travel stories; humorous & informative! Yes! your mom does put together great care packages ... she should have her own "personal shopping" biz, yes? Can't wait to read about your stay in Eygpt [accomadations courtesy of DAD ... lucky you] Stay well&have fun.
ReplyDeletehave a great time in eygpt take pics...
ReplyDeleteHi little!! I found your blog and I'm so glad! I've read most of your entries and I want to let you know how proud I am of you. I know this experience is so perfect for you and your life :) I hope you continue to enjoy every moment of your semester abroad. I am here waiting for your return with a big hug and lots of big/little time :) <3