Saturday, August 22, 2009

Packing will be the death of me!

SO... wow, this is my first post! I just wanted to get my blog up and running before I actually head out of the country. It's Saturday night and I just spent a depressing hour on facebook reading about how ALL my friends are heading back to Villanova to begin the new school year. While I did NOT miss packing up my truck with all the typical college things, I DO miss being on Nova's campus seeing everyone for the first time since summer. I have however been massively packing, unpacking and re-packing for my trip abroad. Seems my program and the airline have limited me to two bags (ONLY 2) for four months. I think I could probably fill up one with all my makeup and shoes. So, needless to say, the last month has been a challenge, choosing which parts of my American life to bring and which parts to leave at home. I have finally finished, after weeks of shopping, organizing and making list after list, I believe I am finally done getting everything ready. I have a few last minute items to add before my flight Wed. morning, but my last few days at home should be fairly stress-free. I'm planning on spending lots of quality time with the fam and seeing a few more close friends. Tomorrow we are heading into D.C. for a nice dinner, and shooting our infamous "Petty Christmas Card", my Mom's been nagging Beka, Forrest and I to pick out some matching outfits. I'll probably post once more before I leave, my nerves havent gotten the best of me yet! Until then, ma'salama (goodbye in arabic)!


  1. Wishing you safe travels. We are looking forward to reading about your experience and can't wait to see the Petty Xmas card.

    All our love,
    Diane , Tom, Joe & J.T.

  2. Alicia..WOW..I had no idea you were going to Jordan..Mom never said! You knew that Al, Matt, Chester and I lived in Bahrain..just a few countries north of Qatar..for almost 2 years. Quite an enlightening experience! You will come to love hummas............and appreciate Christianity too....Matt and I just saw 3 female BMO's (What Matt nicknamed in Bahrain..Black moving Objects) B.J.s where he has been working this least until Friday. Then he leavves for school fall semester at the University of Sussex in Brighton, he is pretty exited as well! How is the Arabic coming? Keep us posted! I am on Facebook as well as Matt. My e-mail is Remember in the Middle sleeveless blouses, no short skirts, no bathing suits in public..just the way it is..they frown on you if you do ..from behind their vails! Those countries also have great lingerie shops...go figure. You can just imagine what is under those long black garbs. Have fun......prayers are with you and ma'salma yourself! ;-) Bonnie (Billington)
