Thursday, September 17, 2009

ER in Amman?!?!

Today marked the last day of classes before break! The city is so busy getting ready for the holiday, it's amazing! I finished class, hit the gym and headed to my apartment to tackle some laundry (another LONGGGG process).

Unfortunately, this evening my roommate Alison started feeling really awful and was experiencing major stomach pains. She was thinking it could be appendicitis, so I went with her to the ER to get things straightened out. Jordan is known for very good health care, and our experience totally confirmed that. I actually think the ER in Jordan does a better job than the ones in America, it was quick and she was seen by a doctor within minutes, even without proper insurance. Thankfully, it was Gastritis, propbably caused by the major change in diet and semi-fasting we have been doing throughout the days here. She was given an IV and they did some blood tests and within an hour we were at the pharmacy picking up a stomach prescription. The male nurse who saw Alison was SO incredibly sweet, and apparently graduated from UJ last year, he was quite interested in our Arabic Studies. The language barrier was not a problem, THANK GOODNESS, but was actually very entertaining... for example,when he wanted Alison to lay down, he said to her, "Please go to sleep now, you need to sleep" I really couldnt help but laugh. He also let me stay in the room for everything and didnt mind one bit that I was around.

Now, I'm just back in my apartment getting things ready for my trip to Cairo. Alison and I leave tomorrow night, and we will meet our roommates, who fly out tomorrow morning. It will be nice to not have to rush to the airport and to sleep in! We have 4 nights in Cairo and then the rest of next week back in Amman. The end of Ramandan is Saturday and will be followed by a week filled with family gatherings and tons of food. It's almost like Christmas here, everyone puts up bright lights and it's their time of the year to be thankful for life's blessing. It's really neat to experience this part of the Arab culture. Although not eating and drinking in public is really hard, it really makes you thankful for the food you put on your table at night.

I will def take lots of pics in Egypt and do a ton of shopping! If anyone wants anything please let me know! Hope everyone back home has a nice weekend! Ma'salaama, Ramadan Kareem!


  1. Glad you got your package and it made it in one piece!! Have a great trip to Egypt and be safe! We all miss you and love you!!
    Mom :)

  2. OOOHHH we are so excited we get to travel to Cairo with you via the blog! Be safe and enjoy! Lots of Love and Prayers!
